Questions To Ask Before Having a Baby

Having a child is the biggest challenge you'll ever face. Raising a human being and showing him the world is a lifelong, beautiful journey.
Make sure you are ready before you decide to have a baby because nothing will ever cost you more patience and forgiveness than growing a little human. And, what is most important, he will need your unconditional love and help.

Here is a list of questions that are worth answering honestly.

1. Can you afford to have a baby?

Raising a child can be expensive.
Obviously, toys and clothes you can buy second hand.
But nappies, formula (if you decide not to breastfeed), toiletries, babysitter or a nursery cost a lot of money. Think, if you can afford all of that.

2. Are you ready for a massive lifestyle change? Is your relationship ready for this?

Some of your friendships may become weaker or end.
Going out to the movies or gigs may be impossible in the first few months of your baby's life.

3. Have you discussed the religion/ language issues with your partner? 

Do it. It's crucial.

4. Are you planning to go back to work? If so, when? 

Obviously, you don't need to know the exact date yet. But have a think and plan ahead.

5. Do you both want a child?

Do not force your partner to have a baby, do not let him force you.
Remember that having a child is a decision that must be made by the two of you. And one more thing- don't go into pregnancy thinking that it will fix your relationship.


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